Wednesday, August 31, 2011


oh I am officially back to my nest yesterday. As usual, my luggages are still lying everywhere in the living room, 1st due to my laziness to clean them all, 2nd my heart go straight flying to my working table (account closing time man!!!). Not very much relax for this trip because got to take care of the little princess which is pretty exhausted than the last trip. And I didn't even have the chance to hold the camera.. sigh... well.. will post some pics in next posts. gotta chiao for my month end closing.....

Monday, August 01, 2011


倒数18天就是我要飞的日子啦....忘了花了多少时间寻寻觅觅, 终于把房间预订的事儿完成了. 自从4年前的新西兰旅游,我都选择了自助旅行. 经验越来越丰富...哈哈其实是自找的..话又不能这样说..就因为这样我走遍了大街小巷,翻山越岭 (有点夸张):)..旅行团给不到的叻!!!!

看看这一次我又发现了什么新大陆咯....stay tune